
Posted by: Savage

still lost.

I have these epiphanies...
And this one was for good.
But it's made all of the sadness lower than low.

Here's the epiphany.

The only thing that's really upsetting me right now is the fact that I spent so long sad, feeling horribly about myself, and honestly just wanting to die. And the fact that a LOT of people still feel that way. Epiphanies are wonderful, but also really sad-making. I just want everyone to know that it's going to be okay. That you can do amazing things. That it's worth it to stay alive, because happiness can be yours, and it WILL be yours. You deserve it. Every single one of you. Happiness doesn't mean being happy all the time, no, but it does mean knowing that everything will be okay. <3

Regardless of your weight, your sexual orientation, your social status, your ANYTHING, you, my friend, are a beautiful person, and you've got a lot to live for. Just like me.

You are worthy.
You are good enough.
You have always been and always will be.
The outside world does not dictate this. You were born this way.
It is not going to change (unless you're an a-hole, like a few people I know... but that's a whole different story, and you're almost definitely not one of them).

While you cannot change your situation most of the time, you can try your hardest to make the best of the day ahead of you regardless. Tell the world to shove it, and then help make it more beautiful.
And you CAN do it. Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't, especially yourself.

Chances are strong that almost everyone around you is rooting for you. That all they want to do is see you succeed. And the only thing holding you back is yourself. Now, don't fret. It took me forever to figure it out too. And there ARE those few people that are just jealous of how awesome you are and want to see you fall. But prove THEM wrong. They don't deserve to take away your happiness. No one does. And you don't, either. You only deserve to find it. And keep it.
Listen to the ones you love. The ones that fill you with joy.

I love you, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too.

Okay, I'm going to go cry now, because that's what I do when I write stuff like this.

PS I will probably add to it a bunch later.

AND HEY, GO TO THIS WEBSITE. http://www.operationbeautiful.com/